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Research DFI Activities



The collection and analysis of food economy data is valuable not only because of its use by individual actors, but it is also important to process all of this data at the chain level, analyze it by computer science methods and integrate the results into various food chain safety decision-making processes. To this end, it is important to set up a data sharing organization that connects the actors in the food chain and creates a bridge of trust between them, to strengthen the computational analysis capacity of agri-food data and to integrate these capacities into food chain safety research, development and innovation activities.

The complexity and intricacy of the agri-food chain requires comparable, complex, scientific methods. It is useful for all actors in the food chain to analyze the data and information covering the whole chain and to obtain the information and knowledge relevant to their decisions. The greatest added value for actors at different points in the chain is sector-wide data analysis, and within this, small- and medium-sized enterprises are the ones who need this help.

Addressing the challenges outlined requires an interdisciplinary and multidisciplinary approach, so the establishment of the Institute that covers the field horizontally is an important step in this direction.