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Researchers, governments, agencies, food producers and the civil society are increasingly concerned about ‘emerging food risks’. It is recognised that the successful identification of emerging risks is at the heart of protecting public health and the environment, and that this requires worldwide cooperation between all parties involved in the food supply chain. The objectives and research proposed in the DEMETER project (Determination and Metrics of Emerging Risks) are designed to support current (and future) EFSA procedures for emerging issue and risks identification, providing a community resource that will allow EFSA and EU Member State authorities to share data, data mining knowledge and methods in a rapid and effective manner. A prototype technical platform called the Emerging Risks Knowledge Exchange Platform (ERKEP) was developed by DEMETER.
The colleagues at the Institute contributed to the project with developing automated data analysis workflows, which identify emerging technological innovations and risks by network analysis of news sources and patent databases. An example for an output of a news text mining and network analysis workflow is demonstrated here.

The platform functionalities are presented in this short video:


Meijer N, Filter F, Clark B, Józwiak A, Comber R, Mylord T, Kerekes K, Willems D, van Asselt E, Frewer L, Czyz MJ, Fischer A, Marvin H, 2018. Project DEMETER: Concept Note for an Emerging Risks Knowledge Exchange Platform (ERKEP) Framework. EFSA supporting publication 2018:EN-1524. 41 pp.