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Research Topics Alternative techniques for the eradication of Campylobacter jejuni in broiler flocks

Alternative techniques for the eradication of Campylobacter jejuni in broiler flocks

Establishment of alternative eradication techniques against the zoonotic C. jejuni is of special importance in broiler flocks, from food safety point of view as well. It is aimed to test the antibacterial efficacy of novel candidates, such as butyrate and plant-derived bioactive components on C. jejuni colonization in vitro. Cooperation with the Georgikon Faculty, University of Pannonia (Prof. Károly Dublecz, Dr. Andor Molnár) and with the Clinic for Poultry, University of Veterinary Medicine, Vienna (Dr. Claudia Hess).

Staff: Anna Kulcsár, Dr. Janka Petrilla, Dr. Gábor Mátis, Dr. Zsuzsanna Neogrády