1. Effect of heat treatment processes on the chemical stability and antimicrobial activity of drug residues in food.
2. Occurance and stability of aflatoxins in fresh milk and dairy products.
3. Investigations on the ecotoxicological effects of veterinary medicinal products.
Related PhD topics and thesises during the past 5 years
1.Investigations on some ecotoxicological features of doxycycline used for mass treatment in the veterinary medicine.Szatmári István, 2012.
2. Effect of heat treatment processes on the stability and antimicrobial activity of some antibiotic residues in milk. László Noémi, folyamatban/in progress.
3. Occurance and stability of aflatoxin M1 and M2 in fresh milk and dairy products. Major Andrea, folyamatban/in progress.
Related grants during the past 5 years
1. KMOP-4.2.1/B-10-2011-0007 Support of infrastructural developments in order to increase the level of higher education, 2011-2013.
2. TÁMOP-4.2.1.B-11/2/KMR-2011-0003 Increase the level of teaching and research at the Szent István University című projekt, 2012-2014.