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Research Topics Environmental effects on invertebrate populations and communities

Environmental effects on invertebrate populations and communities

The topic aims to investigate the interactions between organisms and its environment. Our study organisms have important role in organic matter decomposition and are abundant and important components of agro-ecosystems (i.e. Collembola, Gastropoda, Isopoda, Diplopoda, Oligochaeta, Carabidae, and others). Interactions are either human induced (e.g. pollution, effects of agriculture and forestry, changes in water regime) or of natural origin (e.g. climate change: drought, occurrence of climatic extremities, soil properties, nutrient availability, spatial distribution of micro-habitats and sources, etc.). We study the effects of these factors on the organisms through the structural changes of the communities and changes in population attributes (e.g. occurrence, mortality, survival, longevity, fecundity, growth, reproduction).