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Research Topics Microbiological food safety

Microbiological food safety

1.Development and validation of rapid diagnostic methods based on the measurement of redoxpotential changes to detect pathogen bacteria in foods and drinking water.


2.   Combined use of the diagnostic methods based on measurement of redoxpotential changes and quantitative PCR for rapid and reliable detection of Salmonella spp. and Listeria monocytogenes from different foods.


3.  Investigations on the microbial contamination of fresh vegetables, fruits, sprouts and seafood by important zoonotic and human pathogen bacteria and viruses ( in collaboration with the Department of Microbiology and Epizoology).



Related PhD topics and thesises during the past 5 years

1. Validation of rapid diagnostic methods based on redox potential measurement and investigations on their use in the food industry. Szakmár Katalin, 2009.



2. Occurance of Campylobacter spp. in  the food chain and effect of environmental factors on their survival. Józwiák Ákos, 2010.


3.  Development and use of rapid diagnostic methods in food control and environmental hygiene investigations. Erdősi Orsolya, folyamatban/in progess


Related grants during the past 5 years

1. Support of infrastructural developments in order to increase the level of higher education, 2011-2013.

2. TÁMOP-4.2.1.B-11/2/KMR-2011-0003 Increase the level of teaching and research at the Szent István University project, 2012-2014.

3.. KTIA-AIK-12-12012-0012  Basic and industrial research in association with production of food of plant and animal origin meeting the food safety requirements, 2013-2015.