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Outgoing students

Pannónia International Scholarship progamme promotes international mobility activities for our students and techers/staff. Members of the International student body are free to apply and take part in the programme as per the below guidelines: Supported activities: Long-term student mobility (basic, master, undivided, doctoral level): • Mobility for study purposes (2-12 months) • Professional practice and recent

Invitation: Graduation Ceremony 2024

On behalf of the Senate of the University of Veterinary Medicine Budapest, we cordially invite you to the Conferral of the Doctoral Degrees and Graduation Ceremony which will be streamed online.

Univet Skills Lab: Farm Skills Lab reproduction workshops – December

Date: 5th December, 12:30-15:30 Location: Üllő, Dóramajor Open to 4th and 5th year students The Farm Animal Skills Lab at Üllő is holding practical cattle and swine reproduction workshops using teaching models. Students attending the workshop will be able to practice all parts of the exam, estrus cycle monitoring, pregnancy diagnosis, and artificial insemination. The bus to

Univet Skills Lab: Farm Skills Lab reproduction workshops – November

Date: 14th November, 12:30-15:30 Location: Üllő, Dóramajor Open to 4th and 5th year students The Farm Animal Skills Lab at Üllő is holding practical cattle and swine reproduction workshops using teaching models. Students attending the workshop will be able to practice all parts of the exam, estrus cycle monitoring, pregnancy diagnosis, and artificial insemination. The bus to

Complaints Handling

Complaints Handling University of Veterinary Medicine Budapest   What can be considered as complaint?   All verbal or written communications formulating negative value judgments or criticism, which are experienced by students at the University of Veterinary Medicine Budapest (hereinafter referred to as the University) with regards to any unit of the University due to their

Univet Skills Lab: Farm Skills Lab reproduction workshops – October

Date: 17th, October, 12:30-15:30 Location: Üllő, Dóramajor Open to 4th and 5th year students The Farm Animal Skills Lab at Üllő is holding practical cattle and swine reproduction workshops using teaching models. Students attending the workshop will be able to practice all parts of the exam, estrus cycle monitoring, pregnancy diagnosis, and artificial insemination. The bus to

Department regulations

The University of Veterinary Medicine   Department of Internal Medicine and its Clinic   ORGANIZATIONAL AND OPERATIONAL RULES   1. General part   The Department of Internal Medicine and Clinic of the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine is an independent organizational unit performing educational, scientific research and service tasks. In the spirit of the autonomy granted

Exercises and sports activities

Exercises and sports activities: GYM HALL Floorball:  Thursday: 18:00-20:00 Volleyball: Tuesday: 20:00-22:00, Wednesday: 18.00-20.00,  Thursday: 18:00-20:00 Badminton (for workers): Wednesday: 16:00-17:00 Football (for workers): Thursday: 16:00-18:00 Basketball: Monday: 18:00-20:00 and Wednesday: 20:00-22:00 SMALL ROOM TRX: Monday 17:00 – 18:00 and Thursday 17:00 – 18:00 Yoga (for workers): Tuesday: 16:00-18:00 WEIGHT TRAINING GYM:  opening hours: Monday-Thursday  

Workshop: Animal-friendly handling

We offer a one-day-seminar and workshop for veterinarians and vet nurses about how to make the veterinary visit a pleasant and less stressful event for our furry patients.

Informatics (zoology)

Informatics for zoologist tentative course outline 2024./2025. 1st semester   Description The aim of the course to provide essential hard skills for reasonable use of various software that can support a researcher’s work. The course provides three modules: 1) data organization, management and short analyses in Excel and R; 2) creating and managing text documents,

Quality Policy and Mission Statement

  You can read our current document here: QUALITY POLICY The University of Veterinary Medicine Budapest (hereinafter: University) conducts theoretically well-founded and practice-oriented training programmes in the areas of veterinary science and biology. International recognition is a top priority for our University, therefore we constantly strive to provide an outstandingly high-quality education for our students.

Thematic Excellence Program 2020

From the National Research, Development and Innovation Fund (hereinafter: NRDI Fund) by the Ministry of Innovation and Technology (hereinafter: Supporter) through the National Research, Development and Innovation Office as managing body (hereinafter: NRDI Office or Managing Body) , the announced call for tenders (hereinafter: Call) aims to build on the professional excellence of higher education