This student card is an orange-brown plastic card, in size similar to a credit card.
This card contains your data (name, place, and date of birth, address, type of student status), name of the university (Állatorvostudományi Egyetem), and period of validity.
To receive the plastic card, you are requested to follow these steps:
Step 1: Go to an Office of Government Issued Documents (short term: Registration Office/Municipality Office; in Hungarian: Okmányiroda/Kormányablak) and apply for a student card.
Select an office get there with your passport / ID-card + residence permit/address card and pick a number for the topic diákigazolvány (= student card).
Some examples of the closest offices:
Central Municipality office: 1133 Budapest, Visegrádi utca 110. (open: weekdays: 8.00 – 20.00, weekends: 8.00 – 14.00)
VII. district 1073 Budapest, Erzsébet körút 6. fszt.
VI. district 1062 Budapest, Andrássy út 55.
V. district 1051 Budapest, Erzsébet tér 3.
For more info on opening hours, please check:
There you have your main data registered and a photo of you will be taken. You will get a form with a unique code in the top right corner, called NEK identifier. Please double-check all your data on the issued NEK-sheet! The data on the NEK sheet, e.g. the way your name is spelled has to be exactly the same as the data registered in the Neptun system (if not, your student card request will be rejected)!
Step 2: You need to register your application electronically in the Neptun system.
Go to “Administration” -> “Student card request” -> “Add new”
Here you need to type in:
(1) your NEK identifier (mandatory)
Type in your NEK identifier correctly using capital letters and without any hyphens.
(2) demand type (mandatory)
Here you can select the reason for your request (e.g. first application, due to data change, lost, new request due to false data).
(3) your address (mandatory)
Select your home address (i.e., your permanent address in your home country) from the drop-down menu. If you select your home address during the process, the manufactured student card will contain the phrase “Külföldi cím” (= foreign address).
(4) second institution
Do NOT fill in this field (even probably still being a student of your former school) because in that case, some further administration would be necessary.
It takes usually a couple of weeks to have your student-card delivered. Do check meanwhile Neptun for possible error messages.
Step 3: Your student card is ready and you can obtain it.
Student cards are posted to the University of Veterinary Medicine. As soon as the card is available, the Student Secretariat will inform you via the email you registered in Neptun.