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Open Access Week

First the department head of the Central Library, Semmelweis University presented the policies of different prominent publishers concerning open access publishing. Then Bea Winkler talked about some OA journals of the veterinary field and the Hungarian Veterinary Archive (HuVetA), a repository in which publications of Hungarian veterinarians are welcome. Finally András Holl analyzed the theory and practice of open access and the potential of repositories. The presentations tackled a number of topics worth for going more in depth in them, like publication fees, identifiers of researchers and publications, levels of ”creative commons” licenses,  etc. which will be dealt with in the further occasions of this series of meetings enhancing research and publishing. Presentations will soon be made available on HuVetA.

Szöveg: Orbán Éva

Fotó: Bikádi Katalin

Aotk Holla


Aotk Kissa


Bea Winkler