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Group of Elementary School Students Visited Our University

“The University of Veterinary Medicine Budapest has an inspiring environment which telling to the young generation that higher education is important and worth the effort.” – This is how the Mihály Kada Elementary School representatives and students saw us on the last week's visit. On this unique visit, the students could learn more about the higher education, veterinary science, and student life. They were amazed by the size and beauty of the old campus and buildings.

 “It is never too early to deal with the topic of higher education and reveal all the possibilities that students could have. This is why we started this project so soon. As a head teacher it is our duty to support the young talents and with our help, they could find the best education and get a lifelong career.” – said the Anikó Jassó, the teacher of the students.

We would be happy to welcome other elementary and high school student groups to visit our campus. Don’t miss this great opportunity, come and get more information about this beautiful veterinarian profession.

For more photos, please visit the following site.