SAM-buddy peer-mentoring program has come to its end with the final fun team-building event for the fall term. The program in general aims to help freshers to adjust to the local social and academic setting with the help of upper-year students working as mentors on 1:1 or 1:2 mentor/mentee ratio. In the program, participants receive support on both ends (mentors learn how to be effective support, while mentees receive valuable personal insights about how to network, prepare for the academic challenges in vet school.
We look forward to having more upper-year students as mentors for the spring semester! They can experiment with this very rewarding support role while feeling the gratitude of freshers who are eager to learn how to become more academically successful. A brand new second phase of the peer-mentoring program called SAM-buddy 2.0. begins in March 2020 where mentors learn from professional facilitators/trainers about the coaching technique and stress management in a workshop. These valuable personal skills come handy in a practice later on too.
Join us for a semester! Apply to the program by visiting THIS link.