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The University of Veterinary Medicine Budapest advanced in the Shanghai ranking

Veterinary education at the University of Veterinary Medicine Budapest experienced remarkable successes in the last quarter of 2023.

Based on its scientific work, the University of Veterinary Medicine Budapest was ranked higher in the Shanghai ranking compared to previous years, placing it on the Academic Ranking of World Universities (ARWU). In addition, after a review of the university’s professional and educational activities, the European Association of Establishments for Veterinary Education (EAEVE) accredited the institution for the fourth time. Thanks to this successful qualification, the university’s diploma will be recognized in all European countries over the next seven years. Before the EAEVE evaluation, the Hungarian Accreditation Committee (MAB) also confirmed the excellence of the university through an audit, supported by the issuance of the recent ISO 9001:2015 certificate. These results further strengthen the institution’s international scientific recognition, contributing to Hungary’s outstanding role in veterinary education.

The University of Veterinary Medicine Budapest advanced in the Shanghai ranking, aligning itself with the world’s best in the Academic Ranking of World Universities (ARWU), specifically in the Veterinary Sciences category. ARWU evaluates universities worldwide based on their ranking, category-normalized citation rates, international research collaborations, and the number of articles published in top journals like Veterinary Microbiology and Veterinary Research. ARWU assesses thousands of institutions annually, highlighting the top 300 in our field. As a result, the University of Veterinary Medicine Budapest is currently recognized among the top 150 veterinary education institutions globally and among the best in the 98 European veterinary education institutions. The continuous, high-level scientific activities are a guarantee for further progress.

In December 2023, Prof. Dr. Péter Sótonyi, the rector of the University of Veterinary Medicine Budapest, received accreditation from the European Association of Establishments for Veterinary Education (EAEVE). This recognition means that the veterinary diploma obtained in the only veterinary education institution in Hungary will be accepted in any European country over the next seven years without any additional accreditation. The evaluation process involves a rigorous analysis of the programs based on unified criteria for institutions, including a detailed written self-assessment and a one-week personal examination conducted by the international committee.

This is not the first time the University has received such certification. Established in 1988, EAEVE, an organization assessing the educational standards of European veterinary education institutions, first examined and recognized the program in 1995, with subsequent ratifications in 2004 and 2014. Since becoming an independent university again in 2016, it welcomed the EAEVE Visiting Committee in September 2023. The visit thoroughly inspected facilities, educational organizational structure, quality assurance systems, curriculum, and methodology. Researchers, instructors, students, and external partners were consulted through individual and confidential discussions.

The summary of the evaluation highlighted the institution’s development-oriented mindset, a well-balanced blend of practical and theoretical education, excellent cohesion of units, high-quality clinical operations, and the increasing number of innovative research activities. The collaboration and incredible dedication of the staff and students to their Alma Mater were particularly praised.

Concurrently, starting from January 2023, the University of Veterinary Medicine Budapest underwent scrutiny by the Hungarian Accreditation Committee (MAB) per the standards and guidelines of the European Higher Education Area (ESG 2015) for quality assurance. The successful ISO 9001:2015 audit certification was issued in September 2023.

International scientific recognition is of paramount importance to the University of Veterinary Medicine Budapest, and it consistently strives not only to provide high-quality education but also to actively contribute to the world’s scientific community. In line with this, it consciously adheres to the recommendations and guidelines of both international accreditation organizations and the Hungarian Accreditation Committee (MAB).