Márton Hoitsy
Department of Exotic Animal-, Wildlife-, Fish- and Honeybee Medicine
clinical veterinarian
Márton Hoitsy has graduated at the University of Veterinary Medicine in Budapest in 2017 and after the graduation he started to work as a zoo veterinarian at the Budapest Zoo and Botanical Garden and on the Lillafüred Trout Breeding Farm. During his undergraduate studies he has completed the course of Wildlife Engineer BSc. As intern, he was working in the AquaBioTech Company, where he learned a lot about RAS systems. He also works with exotic and aquatic animals, amphibians, reptiles and fish health management, and consultancy. He is providing veterinary services for fish farmers, aquaculture companies, zoos and public aquaria, koi keepers and hobby aquarists too. In 2019 he has earned the title of Veterinary Expert on Wildlife Medicine. He successfully defended his Ph.D. thesis, “Investigating of neoplastic diseases in captive bred Salmonids” at the Hungarian University of Agriculture and Life Sciences.