Dr. Manczur Ferenc
associate professor
Department of Internal Medicine (DIM)
associate professor, deputy head of department
Office: Building A, 1st Floor, Clinical Diagnostic Unit: Building A, Ground Floor
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Office: +3614784132, Clinical Diagnostic Unit: +3614784100 / extension 8914, Patient coordination: +3614784147
8206, 8914, 9430
+361 478 4137
Ferenc Manczur graduated in 1991. He started his PhD studies at the Department of Internal Medicine in 1994 and he has been the member of the Department since that year. He successfully defended his Phd-thesis about “The gastroenterological Ultrasonography of the Dog” in 2000. He habilitated in 2006 and he is the Head of the Department of Internal Medicine since 01 July 2017. His specialities are: veterinary cardiology, veterinary nephrology, instrumental diagnostics methods (ultrasonography, echocardiography, electrocardiography, blood pressure measurement), evidence based veterinary medicine.
He is a regular speaker of national and international conferences and scientific meetings. He is the author or co-author of several book chapters and journal articles.
The list of his scientific publications can be found here: https://vm.mtmt.hu//search/slist.php?nwi=1&inited=1&ty_on=1&url_on=1&cite_type=2&orderby=3D1a&lang=1&location=mtmt&stn=1&AuthorID=10002413
He is married and he had three sons.
teaching (graduate, post-graduate), research, cardiological and ultrasound examinations, management of kidney patients