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About Us Staff Sós-Koroknai Viktória

Viktória Sós-Koroknai

Rottenbiller street 80
+36 1 478 4100

I graduated from the Szent Istvàn University, Faculty of Veterinary Science, as it was called at that time in 2013, tough I had previously undertaken a BSc in zoology at the University of Guelph in Ontario, Canada. I began working as a clinical veterinarian at the Budapest Zoo and Botanical Garden in 2014 where, aside from facing all the exciting challenges of working as a zoo veterinarian, I was also able to contribute to numerous conservation projects. These programs include, but are not limited to work with the Hungarian meadow viper (Vipera ursinii rakosiensis), the Eastern imperial eagle (Aquila heliaca) and the Vojvodina mole rat (Nannospalax (leocodon) montanosyrmiensis). In 2015, I completed my Certificate of Qualification in North America and the following year I began my PhD at the University of Western Hungary (University of Sopron today) and my exotic animal specialization at the University of Veterinary Medicine in Budapest which I successfully finished in 2020 and 2017 respectively. In addition to the aforementioned work I have also given talks at numerous conferences both in Hungary and internationally in the field of zoo and wildlife medicine and regularly hold lectures at the University of Veterinary Medicine in Budapest