Dr. Sótonyi Péter
Doctor of Science (DSc)
Building E I. Floor
Personal data:
Name: Sótonyi Péter
Birth: Mosonmagyaróvár, 1954. 27th of Sept.
Mother: Behofsich Erzsébet
Married to Szűts Lívia, music teacher
Kids: Kata (borned: 1985.), Tamás (borned: 1990.)
High School: Kossuth Lajos Gimnázium, Mosonmagyaróvár (1969-1973)
University: University of Veterinary Science, Budapest (1973-1979)
Scientific degree: MTA (DSc, 2013)
Language: Mid-level German, mid-level English
Workplaces, leadership mandates:
1979: University of Veterinary Science, Department of Anatomy and Histology
1982 – 1985: Semmelweis University of Medical Science, Institute for Biology, scholar
since 1985: University of Veterinary Science (between 2000. 1st of January- 2016., 30th of June: Szent István University, Faculty of Veterinary Science, Department of Anatomy and Histology)
2001-ongoing: Professor, Head of Department
2012-2016: Dean
2016-ongoing: Rector
mandatory courses
Topographical Anatomy
Optional courses
X-Ray Anatomy for veterinarian
Apllied surgical anatomy
Archeological anatomy
History of the hungarian veterinary training
Anatomy of the birds
Supervisor in thesis, TDK and Phd:
Thesis and veterinary degree: 8
TDK: 17
PhD: 6 finished, 2 in process
Scientific publications: 48
Impact factor: 75.5
Independent citation: 987