Dr. Vetter János
Doctor of Science (DSc), teacher with habilitation
+361 478 4100
+361 478 4100 / 8664
+361 478 4238
Rottenbiller street 50. I. Flo
I absolved my studies at the Eötvös Loránd University (Budapest) as a biologist. Later I finished the course of Agricultural Research (at GATE University, Gödöllő). Since 1972 I have been working at Botanical Department of Veterinary University (today Faculty of Veterinary Science, Szent István University) as a research fellow, later as senior lecturer, as associate professor and as full professor. My Ph.D. work was absolved in 1985 (in physiology of higher fungi), my habilitation was performed in 1995, and the D.Sc. graduation was achieved in 1996 (subject: decomposition’s processes of higher fungi).
Consultig hours:
Every weeks on Thursday pm. 13-14 hours. E-mail: [Click to see email]
Main part of my activity is the education of the veterinarians. I am the responsible person of some subjects (graduated and elective ones) in Hungarian, German and English languages. I was a participant in the education of zoologists, too.
Compulsory subjects:
Botany for veterinarians (theory, practices) in German.
Elective subjects:
General Mycology (in Hungarian, in German and in English)
Grassland management (in Hungarian and in German)
Secondary metabolites of plants (in Hungarian and in German)
Carcinogen, anticarcinogen plants (in Hungarian and in German)
BSc subjects (for biologists):
Physiology of mushrooms
Mushroom cultivation and mycotherapy;
Scientific activity
Poisonous plants – poisonous plant substances. Decomposition of organic substances by fungi. Problems of physiology and chemistry of fungi. Fruit body production of higher fungi.
Number of scientific publication: 190
Summarised impact factor: 48
Number of independent citations: about 1250