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In our department, within the framework of pathology, we deal with histopathological lesions, viral/bacterial diseases, and the methods that can be used to investigate them, therefore we can assist in these topics for the preparation of a diploma thesis/TDK thesis.

To complete a thesis of adequate quality, applicants must comply with the following rules:

  1. Based on section § 41. (5) of the Study and Examination Rules (SER), you must apply at the head of the department for the preparation of diploma theses by the end of the 8th semester at the latest.
  2. At the department, you can apply for a thesis topic at the earliest after the completed 5th semester, with a successful exam in the subjects “Veterinary Virology”, “Veterinary Bacteriology” and “General Pathology”. There is no such restriction regarding TDK theses.
  3. Based on SER § 41 (5) “All students are obliged to write their degree thesis as an individual work.”, so our instructors provide professional support for the preparation of the theses, but the preparation of the thesis to an appropriate standard is the sole responsibility of the student. Our departmental instructors have no way or time to compensate for the delay caused by the student’s inappropriate attitude, in such cases, the student is responsible for the incomplete or delayed completion of the thesis.
  4. Our department prefers diploma theses based on the student’s independent work, i.e. the thesis must include one of the following:
    1. own laboratory work
    2. own epidemiological analysis, calculation, questionnaire survey
    3. description of a disease, diagnostic analysis
    4. analysis of the institute’s diagnostic database
    5. other relevant professional analysis
  5. In addition to the above, it is also possible to write a literature review, but only if the given topic is a scientific innovation and the students do their analysis, e.g. supplemented with country or region-specific elements.
  6. As the University’s Student Guide states, the student is „required to have a certain number of consultations (5 during the 10th semester) and consultations are required during the 11th semester as well”. Therefore, the student must contact their instructor at least once a month, failing so could lead to dismissal. The instructor records the dates and topics of the consultations in the progress report.
  7. For the rest, the current provisions of the SER and the guide on the preparation of a thesis on our University’s library website apply.

Our department can provide professional support for the high-quality development of a chosen topic for students who are interested in pathology, and who are persistent and have the right attitude.

Our departmental lecturers, with whom it is currently possible to prepare a thesis:

Albert Ervin infectious diseases of horses, pigs, and ruminants, molecular epidemiology
Gyula Balka infectious and non-infectious diseases of pigs
Imre Biksi infectious and non-infectious diseases of large animals, animal health management
Dorottya Császár infectious and non-infectious diseases of small animals
Lilla Dénes infectious diseases of pigs, molecular epidemiology
Péter Dobra infectious and non-infectious diseases of poultry
Géza Dávid Horváth infectious and non-infectious diseases of pigs and small animals
Barbara Igriczi infectious diseases of pigs, molecular epidemiology
István Emil Kis infectious and non-infectious diseases of large animals
Míra Mándoki infectious and non-infectious diseases of poultry and small animals, educational research
Zoltán Németh infectious and non-infectious diseases of poultry, rabbits, and large animals
Anna Szilasi infectious and non-infectious diseases of cats, immunohistochemistry
Áron Szenes genomics and agricultural digitization

In addition to these topics, students can also apply with their own ideas. A more precise academic profile of the listed lecturers is available on the University’s website.

Igriczi Barbara has an available TDK topic: Examination of rotaviruses from pig fecal samples using next-generation sequencing methods. (Updated: 2024.08.16.)