Our Artwork 2020 Competition is sponsored by Budapest Zoo.
The Winner, age bw 6-13 wins the prize of Budapest Zoo, which is a year gold level adaptation of a chosen bird at Budapest Zoo. As a foster parent, the winner’s name will be posted on the bird’s cage for a year. The Winner will also receive an adaptation declaration, the photo and CV of the chosen bird and the Foster Parent Card. The card entitles the Winner for free entrance to Budapest Zoo, twice per year on the Days of Foster Parents. For further details about the Zoo please click here.
The Winner also receives four entrance tickets to Budapest Zoo, which could be validated by the end of 2020.
The Winner, age bw 14-18 wins the prize of Budapest Zoo, which is a year gold level adaptation of a chosen bird at BP Zoo. As a foster parent, the winner’s name will be posted on the bird’s cage for a year. The Winner will also receive an adaptation declaration, the photo and CV of the chosen bird with the Foster Parent Card. The card entitles the Winner for free entrance to Budapest Zoo, twice per year on the two Days of Foster Parents. For further details about the Zoo please click here.
The Winner also receives four entrance tickets for a Budapest Zoo Night Walk. During the pre-arranged night walk the guests will be escorted by a professional zoo-keeper.
As Budapest Zoo is closed now, you can check your favourite species live here.
If you would like to support Budapest Zoo you can donate:
Budapest Zoo & Botanical Garden Foundation
Tax number: 18008481-2-42
Bank account number: 12010611-01714727-00100000