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Foot-and-mouth disease – Practical preparedness for an outbreak

On March 22, students began fieldwork at animal farms within the designated surveillance zones under the supervision of veterinary authorities. Their role is crucial in conducting secondary screening tests to help prevent further spread of the disease.

Blood donation – 2025 March

The principle of blood donation is that only healthy people can donate blood, thus protecting the health of both the blood donor and the patient receiving the blood, so please do not come if you are not completely healthy!

Birdwatching in Kuwait – Dr. János Gál and Dr. Endre Sós

Among the Gulf countries, Kuwait is one of the northernmost, and despite its small land area, it has the most valuable currency. Dr. Endre Sós and Dr. János Gál visited the country for a brief data collection mission on its bird fauna. Entering and exiting the country is not a simple process. At the airport,

Strategic co-operation between the University of Veterinary Medicine and SZTNH in the field of intellectual property protection

The University of Veterinary Medicine and the Hungarian Intellectual Property Office (SZTNH) have signed a co-operation framework agreement that elevates the support for intellectual property protection in university research & development, and innovation to a new level. The goal of this collaboration is to provide university lecturers, researchers, and students with high-level knowledge in industrial