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News (Page 17)


Anatomy lecture with live horses

It is a tradition for the professor to use the help of well-trained horses from the Standby Police for this presentation. This is what happened now.

Ceremonial opening: 66 billion HUF state support helps university development

On the 7th of September Dr Péter Sótonyi rector of the University of Veterinary Medicine Budapest opened the 234th academic year. The audience was greeted in the park of the university by Dr László Kövér, Speaker of Hungary’s National Assembly and Dr József Bódis, State Secretary responsible for knowledge and innovation management, Ministry for Innovation

PCR Testing Information

Hand-out for PCR Testing 1. Please open the link sent via email, follow the steps and register, then book an appointment. Please send an email to [Click to see email] about the time and place of your PCR appointment. 2. Please send the following to [Click to see email] – the police decree about quarantine

Notification about changes in bank details

The University of Veterinary Medicine Budapest changed its bank account number on 1st August which affects certain type of payments. Individuals who are involved in the change will be noticed via email separately. The new bank account number will be published after the 10th of August 2020, please check your email regularly.

Bank account number change

The University of Veterinary Medicine Budapest will change its bank account number on 1st August which will affect certain type of payments. The new bank account number will be published after 3rd August 2020.

Árisz Ziszisz: “I could listen to the lectures at my own pace”

Árisz Ziszisz talked about the university community, how its strength was manifested in organizing the online student concert and how it motivated him, a former biology student, to keep trying to get into the veterinary training programme until he succeeded. Here’s an excerpt from our interview with him.

Chromatography laboratory was launched at the University of Veterinary Medicine Budapest

On 29th of May 2020, a new Chromatography Laboratory was launched at the University of Veterinary Medicine, which is the first facility of the soon to be established Central Laboratory. The development was carried out within the framework of the Thematic Excellence Program granted by NKFI. In addition to the formation of a new laboratory, a UHPLC-MS/MS mass spectrometer has been obtained.

The pandemic-induced distance learning will remain a part of our training programme: conversation with IT and security director Dezső Bella

Literally overnight, the Internet became the carrier of educational materials for vets and biologists this March. There has been a logistic change which, despite all its road bumps, has achieved the ultimate goal: a continuous training. On the other hand, Director of IT and Security Dezső Bella explains to us that just because you uploaded a slide show or a Word document to a website, it doesn’t mean you have a real distance learning project yet.

Options beyond the operating table

Dániel Pleva graduated in 2016 from the University of Veterinary Medicine Budapest, he is currently a PhD student here. Veterinary education, including the PhD degree, was a compromise for him, between his parents’ wishes and his attraction to a teaching career.

The statues of Dr Adorján Bartha and Dr Tamás Szent-Iványi were unveiled

On 24th June 2020, a statue unveiling ceremony was held in the park of the University of Veterinary Medicine Budapest, where the statues of Dr Adorján Bartha and Dr Tamás Szent-Iványi made by András Kontur sculptor, were placed in honour of the memory of their outstanding work in the field of veterinary medicine.