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Frequently Asked Questions for Veterinary Botany


  1. Do I need to attend lectures and practicals?

Yes, attendance is mandatory for lectures and practicals.

  1. Can I just attend any practical?

No, you must attend the practical you are registered for since there is limited space. If you have an issue, please talk to your instructor.

  1. Are the mid-terms cummulative?

No, you will only be tested on certain topics (please see Course syllabus).

  1. What is the pass rate for each mid-term?

50% (50,5 points)

  1. What happens if I fail a mid-term?

You will be able to re-take the failed midterm a week after OR during retake week, this usually happens after the 3rd mid-term (please see the pdf of Seminar1).

  1. Unfortunately, I failed the re-take of my midterm during re-take week. What happens now?

You will have one final chance to obtain a signature but unlike the other mid-terms, this final chance will be cummulative (i.e. will cover ALL plants tested on midterms, please see the pdf of Seminar1).

  1. Can I still take the oral exam without passing a midterm?

No, to get a signature for the course, all mid-terms must be passed.

  1. What is the passing mark for the botany course 50% or 51%?

51%. If you pass each topics with more than 1 point above the limit it reaches 51% overall.

  1. I got an 80% on the last mid-term, does that mean I will be exempt from the entrance exam?

No. You can only be exempt from the entrance exam if you achieve an average of 80% across all three mid-terms during the semester.

  1. How do I pass the oral exam?

You need to pass the entrance exam (7/10 points or at least a 70%, but with 6 correct answers you can review the wrong ones) and gain at least (150/300 points or 50%) on each each topic (A and B) independently.

  1. I registered for an oral exam spot but did not show up. Does this count as an attempt?

Yes it does.

  1. How many attempts do we get for the oral exam?

A total of three attempts will be offered during the semester.

  1. Where are the oral exams held?

In the Department of Botany.


Updated: 2024.01.11.