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About Us International Relations

International Relations

Our university has wide international connections with veterinary schools of Europe and overseas. It is the single veterinary university of Hungary, so all the counterpart schools are abroad, that is why international connection has always been important for our university. The school was founded in 1787 by Prof. Sándor Tolnay, graduate of the Vienna Veterinary School, his personal connections served as the basis of the early internationalisation of the Budapest Veterinary School. Intensive cooperations with the veterinary school of Vienna were continuously important for our institution.

The international connections of the university are shown by bilateral agreements with other veterinary schools, membership in international veterinary organisations, activity in international projects but there are several other indicators of international cooperations such as student and staff mobility, joint PhD training, involvement in international research projects, common research applications, joint publications etc. Internationalisation of the school is promoted by our university by providing framework to international activities.

Organisation of international cooperations at the university

The responsible person for international connections of the university is the Vice Rector for international cooperations nominated by the Rector. He is helped by an assistant and in strategic questions he is advised by the Committee of International Connections.

Membership in international bodies

Our university has membership in two international bodies, it is member of the European Association for Establishments of Veterinary Education (E.A.E.V.E.) and our school is a founding member of the Veterinary Network for Student and Staff Mobility (VetNEST), network of the veterinary schools of Central Europe formed by the veterinary faculties of Brno, Budapest, Kosice, Ljubljana, Vienna, Wroclaw and Zagreb.

The membership in EAEVE is regarded by our school very important, since as a highly reputed forum of veterinary schools in Europe it can promote the development and the internationalisation of our establishment. Membership in VetNEST gives a solid background of regional curriculum development, student and staff mobility, joint courses and workshops and development of university management.

International research connections

Our university has many research connections and these are based on more than numerous international research agreements, and the international activities of the scientists are shown by their membership in more than 70 international organisations.

International mobility programmes

Our university is participating in many international mobility programmes: Bilateral ones, Ceepus, Erasmus and now the newly promoted Pannónia scholarship programmes. These scholarships are available to students/staff and teachers alike and help promoting the importance of international training and learning.