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About Us Staff Vörös Károly

Dr. Károly VÖRÖS

candidate of sciences , Doctor of Science (DSc)
Department of Internal Medicine (DIM)
professor, head of doctoral school
Doctoral Habilitation Council
Doctoral School of Veterinary Sciences
JM-DS Head of the Scool
Building A I. Floor 1. stage
+361 478 4100
+361 478 4100 / 8209
+361 478 4137



1976: Veterinary diploma
1986: PhD (CSc)
1991- :Head of department
2002: DSc (degree of the Hungarian Academy of Science)


Publication activity of books and compendia for education: 1993: Editor and co-author of a textbook of internal diseases published in Hungarian language. Chapters, written by him in this book: Cardiovascular and respiratory diseases of the horse, cattle, swine, dog and cat, gastrointestinal diseases of the horse and ruminants.
1999: Editor and co-author of a textbook of internal diseases of dogs and cats published in Hungarian language. Chapters, written by him in this book: Peritoneal, pancreatic, cardiovascular respiratory, urinary and hemopoietic diseases of the dog and cat.
2002: Editor and co-author of a textbook of internal diseases of horses, cattle and swine published in Hungarian language. Chapters, written by him in this book: Digestive, peritoneal, pancreatic, cardiovascular, respiratory, and hemopoietic diseases.
2001 and 2006: Coauthor of a chapter on veterinary ultrasonography of a book of human ultrasonography.
2008: Coauthor of a chapter of cardiovascular diseases in a book on small animal internal medicine published in Czech language in the Czech Republic (contribution to this chapter: echocardiography). 2012: Co-editor and author of three chapters of a book in Hungarian language of canine and feline ultrsonography.
Postgraduate teaching:
1984- : Several lectures and demonstration in the frame of postgraduate education of clinical studies and buiatrics. In the last years, 16 lectures for veterinary courses and clinical conferences in Hungary. Organizer and lecturer of several continuing education and specialization courses on internal diseases of small animals and horses.
Fields of research interest:
1976-1978: Cytochemical and immunological studies on enzootic bovine leukosis.
1987: Occurrence and diagnosis of chronic lead poisoning in horses.
1980: First report on the occurrence, clinical and therapeutic aspects of parvovirus enteritis in dogs in Hungary.
1980-1986: Studies on the pathophysiology, diagnosis and therapy of abomasal displacement in dairy cattle.
1984: Publications on the following topics: Surgical therapy of intestinal leiomyosarcoma in the horse; clinical aspects and therapy of cecal dilatation and torsion in cattle; occurrence of lymphoid leukaemia in swine; electro- and pneumoencephalography of congenital hydrocephalus in calves; radiotelemetric electrocardiographic studies in the horse; endoscopic examination of the upper respiratory tract in the horse.
1987-1988: Investigations on the two-dimensional quantitative echocardiography in horses, basic studies.
1988- : Introduction of diagnostic ultrasonography of internal diseases in Hungary, results on the following fields: echocardiographically-guided pericardiocentesis in the horse; ultrasonographic diagnosis of liver diseases in dogs; qualitative and quantitative ultrasonography of canine urinary diseases. During the last five years and in the near future, a research team led by him is working and will be working on canine hepatology, canine cardiology and on the diagnostic aspects of upper respiratory disorders in dogs.
2006: Canine cardiology: participation in two international multi-center studies of cardiac drugs; study of therapy resistance in canine cardiovascular diseases.
2008: Digitalized sound recording and digital phonocardiography of canine cardiac murmurs and arrhythmias.
Jelenlegi szakterületek a klinikai betegellásásban: a kutya és a macska belgyógyászata, speciális szakterülettek: a kisállatok ultrahang-diagnosszitkája, a kutyák és a macskák kardiológiája.