Our Career Office was created to help Univet students to find employment in the veterinary profession.
By offering Hungarian and international student job opportunities, internships and corporate or public sector employment, the partners of Univet’s Career Office (recruitment agencies, veterinary companies, Alumni Members) can help our graduates to develop and implement their personal visions as well as to find jobs in their professional area.
Offer a job
We are happy to publish your job offers for our graduating veterinary students on our website. Please fill out the form and send it back to [Click to see email]. If you have any other creative material about the job offer, we are happy to publish it as well.
Job fair
The annual Job fair allows you to meet and interview our interested students personally or via Skype. If you need more information on the next Job fair, please contact us at [Click to see email]. The next job fair will be held in February 2024.
Read more about the 2023 Job fair, click HERE.