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Department of Surgery (DS)

History of the Department Department of Veterinary Medicine was funded in 1786 as part of the University of Pest established by King Josef II, which institution already dealt actively with the education of surgery. Students for human medicine of the University compulsorily studied surgical etiology and operative surgery accompanied by the subject of veterinary medicine

Bilateral agreements

The university has bilateral agreements with 9 universities. The bilateral agreements help student mobility by providing clinical practice to the students in the partner universities, promote staff mobility of mainly young staff members giving them the opportunity of learning new teaching, clinical, diagnostic and research methods and encourage them to build up clinical and research

Lang Zsolt

  Activity Office hours: 12:15-13:00 Wednesday Own homepage

Department of Internal Medicine (DIM)

History of the Department The first lectures on internal medicine were given by Vilmos Zlamál in 1852, but a chair position for the field was established only some years later by Ákos Azary. The golden age of the Department of Internal Medicine began in 1894 when Ferenc Hutyra, former rector of the school, became head


International Relations Office Postal address: University of Veterinary Medicine, Office of International Relations H-1078 Budapest, István u. 2., Hungary Phone: (+36 1) 478 4100 / 8865 e-mail: [Click to see email]   Vice-rector for International Relations Prof. Tibor, BARTHA, DVM, Ph.D., D.Sc., professor Office: Rottenbiller str 50., 1st floor Office hours: by appointment Phone: (+36

Kutszegi Gergely József

Introduction As a researcher and teacher, I work at the Botany Department of the University of Veterinary Medicine Budapest since 2017. For veterinary students, I give botany lectures and practical lessons both in English and in Hungarian. I teach biologists (zoologists) for fungal taxonomy, fungal ecology, cladistics, and forest ecology. Since 2020, completely renewed, I

Short introduction

THE CURRICULUM Each academic year begins with an opening ceremony in the Aula. This is particularly memorable for the newly enrolled students who see their future professors for the first time dressed in academic gowns and marching in to music.   1. Doctor of Veterinary Medicine The entire curriculum consists of more than 5000 hours,

Museum of Anatomy

opening Hours Monday and Thursday, 12:00-16:00 Introduction   History of the Department Szent István Egyetem Állatorvos-tudományi Karának Anatómiai, Szövettani és Fejlődésbiológiai Tanszéke a Kar egyik legrégebbi önálló tudományos műhelye. Mint a Biológia tantárgyért felelős Tanszék, ez az egység felelős a felelős a Kar hivatalos felvételi előkészítő tanfolyamainak lebonyolításáért, és ezen keresztül a középiskolákkal és középiskolai

Student’s Guide to Anatomy for Veterinary Students

Information about Anatomy Examinations of the English-language Program CoVID related changes in the 2019/2020 spring semester CoVID related changes in the 2020/2021 spring semester For inactive students and for postponed or re-take examinations (updated: 6th September, 2022) subject prerequisite requirements: A pass in the Anatomy I. examination is a mandatory requirement for participation in Anatomy III.

Physical Education

  The aim of the Physical Education subject is to keep the students fit, strengthen their overall physical state and develop their physical abilities in order to achieve a generally acceptable fitness level which will enable them to fulfill their daily duties. Moreover, to awaken and develop an active interest in physical activity and sports.