- Research teams
- Food Economics Research Group (Centre for Food Consumption & Waste Research)
- Redox Biology Research Group
- Internal Medicine Research Group
- Antimicrobial Resistance Research Group
- Animal Health Law and Economics Research Group
- Animal Production and Genetics Research Group
- Animal Welfare and Animal Protection Research Group
- Applied Metagenomics Research Group
- Andrology/Assisted Reproductive Research Group
- Metabolic Biochemistry Research Group
- Waterborne and Foodborne Parasites Research Group
- Infectious Animal Diseases Research Group
- Immunomodulation with Low Molecular Weight Substances Research Group
- Education Development and E-learning Research Group
- Electron Microscopy Sciences Research Group
- Food Microbiology Research Group
- Food Toxicology Research Group
- Pharmacokinetic and Drug Metabolism Research Group
- In Vitro Cell Culture Models Research Group
- In Vitro Hepatology Research Group
- Small Animal Surgery Research Group
- Equine Medicine Research Group
- Molecular Biology Research Group
- Heterocyclic Chemistry Research Group
- Neurophysiology and Neuroendocrinology Research Group
- New Blood-Sucking Parasites and Vector-Borne Pathogens Research Group
- Preclinical Drug Development Research Group
- Statistical Methodology Research Group
- Applied Animal Nutrition Research Group
- Virology Research Group
- Digital Food Chain Research Group
- Topics
- Fenotypic and genotypic evaluation of Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Staphylococcus pseudintermedius és Staphylococcus aureus biofilms of animal origin
- In vitro inflammation and oxidative stress models for testing natural compounds
- Possibilities of substitution of antibiotics
- Mechanism of action and other effects of active substances
- Determination of various active pharmaceutical ingredients by UPLC
- Testing of composite wall paint candidates containing different biocidal active substances
- Evaluation of probiotics on porcine intestinal epithelial cells
- Examination of potential beneficial compound with in vitro models
- In vitro pharmaco-toxicological investigation of xenobiotics
- Studies on drug interaction potential of mycotoxins and drug compounds
- In vitro model for the study of chronic enteropathies in dogs
- PK/PD analysis in canine dermal connective tissue
- Cryopreservation of canine semen
- Metagenomics studies
- Embryo-transfer in sheep
- PK/PD analysis in animal health
- The effect of PACAP (pituitary adenylate cyclase activating polypeptide) on reproduction and its applicability in assisted reproductive techniques
- Effect of cryopreservation on the quality of boar semen
- Role of naturally derived supplements to improve gastrointestinal health
- Antimicrobial Resistance Research Group
- Farm based calve immunity detection in calves
- Mega-plate accelerated evolution and co-selection study
- Uterine and environmental factors influencing pregnancy losses in cattle
- Dairy cattle twin pregnancy management
- Some selected metabolic factors affecting cattle health
- Nicotinamide mononucleotide (NMN) effect on equine reproductive processes
- Alternative drug treatment options for Trichomonas species
- Ovum pick-up (OPU) and transvaginal aspiration of oocytes (TVA) in cattle and horses
- Transthoracal ultrasound examination of pre-weaned dairy calves to detect early signs of bovine respiratory disease (BRD)
- Detection of calving, clinical and subclinical diseases
- Alternative treatment options for Salmonella infections in veterinary medicine
- Status of antimicrobial resistance in poultry flocks in Hungary
- 3D conformation analysis of Hungarian Grey Cattle horns
- A probiotic approach for the prevention of LPS-induced inflammation in the IPEC-J2 intestinal epithelial cell model
- Advanced Studies towards Knowledge on Lyssavirus Encephalitis Pathogenesis Improving Options for Survival (ASKLEPIOS) – EU FP7
- Allosteric modulation of glycine receptor binding
- Alternative techniques for the eradication of Campylobacter jejuni in broiler flocks
- Alternatives to antibiotics in livestock, application of feed additives, new perspectives
- Applicability of xenobiotics and potentially protective agents on the intestinal barrier integrity using in vitro model
- Arthropod vectors and vector-borne diseases of domesticated animals
- Aspects of environmental protection and food safety of pesticides
- Avian nephritis
- Aza-Morita-Baylis-Hillmann reactions of Enamines
- Biology and control of vector-borne infections in Europe (EDENext)
- Candidate Gene testing of Beagle Pain Disease
- Cardiology, ultrasonography, digital phonocardiography, echocardiography, e-learning teaching methods, canine heartworm disease
- Characterisation of Actinobacillus pleuropneumoniae strains isolated in Hungarian swine herds
- Characterisation of Paenibacillus larvae strains isolated from different regions of Hungary
- Chemical-toxicological food safety
- Comparative examination of Actinobacillus pleuropneumoniae strains
- Comparative examination of Erysipelothrix rhusiopathiae strains isolated from different animal species
- Comparative examination of Histophilus somni strains isolated from farm animals
- Comparative study on the kinetics of different forms of oral butyrate application
- Cultivation and examination of primary hepatocytes from rat and chicken (PhD topic)
- Cultivation and examination of ruminal epithelial cells
- Cytochrome system in livestock, the effect of feed additives on CYP enzymes in drug metabolism
- Detection and analysis of emerging porcine parvovirus infections
- Determination of hypothalamic mitochondrial metabolism
- Determination of the role of ecto-nucleoside triphosphate diphosphohydrolase 3 (NTPDase3) in neurotransmission and the hypothalamic neuroendocrine reg
- Development and application of exact tests and confidence intervals
- Development and application of resampling methods
- Development of conventional vaccines
- Development of new diagnostic tools and the possible ways of protection in the PRRS of swine
- Development of porcine circovirus subunit vaccines
- Development of protostrongylid larvae in the intermediate host and mode of infection of the final host
- Dirofilariosis, toxocarosis, worms of pet animals
- Diseases of exotic species and wildlife
- Diseases of fish
- Diversity and crowding indices
- Diversity of domestic animals
- Diversity of domestic animals
- Dog semen freezing; study the factors influencing the survival of dog spermatozoa after cryopreservation and thawing
- E-learning in veterinary education
- Eco-morphological relations of invertebrate community organisation
- Effect of microbial biofilms on susceptibility against chemotherapeutic agents
- Effects of butyrate on enteral and hepatic microsomal drug-metabolizing cytochrome P450 (CYP) enzymes in chicken and rat
- Effects of various biologically active molecules and metabolites on hte insulin signaling in chicken
- Environmental effects on invertebrate populations and communities
- Epidemiology and ecology of ticks and tick-borne pathogens
- Epigenetic studies on histone deacetylase inhibitors
- Evaluation of fetal well-being of the foal fetus with transabdominal ultrasound
- Evolution of porcine circovirus
- Examination of some bacteria of the Family Pasteurellaceae and the diseases caused by them
- Examination of the infectious respiratory diseases of ruminants
- Examination of tumors in domestic animals mainly with immunohistochemistry
- Examinations of coinfections associated to porcine circovirus infection
- Expression of estrogen receptors and thyroid hormone receptors in the developing rat cerebellum in vivo regarding the
- Genetic diversity of canine and feline parvoviruses
- Genetic test panel creation for Doberman and Greyhound breeds
- Heat stress adaptation at molecular level
- Heat Stress-induced changes in gene expression patterns of cattle
- Hepatitis E virus infection in food-producing animals
- Investigation of hormone receptor interactions in primary neuronal cell culture
- Investigation of vegetation change with GIS and remote sensing methods
- Investigations on the microbial contamination of fresh vegetables, fruits, sprouts and seafood by important zoonotic and human pathogen bacteria and viruses
- Measuring of animal welfare in dairy herds
- Measuring the occurrence of lameness and hoof disorders in dairy herds
- Microbiological food safety
- Modelling and regulation of paracellular transport processes through porcine small intestine using IPEC-J2 model system
- Molecular genetical diagnosis of hereditari diseases in domestic animals
- Molecular genetical diagnosis of hereditari diseases in domestic animals
- Molecular organization of the hippocampal dendritic spines
- Multicomponent reactions of push-pull alkenes
- New electrocyclizations of azapolyenes
- New Hungarian Grey Cattle, bibliography, library research resources
- Phylogeography and population genetics of the sea eagle (Haliaeetus albicilla) in the Carpathian Basin
- Population genetic studies of Eastern Imperial Eagles in the Carpathian Basin
- Positive effect of methoxyflavones on pig intestinal inflammation diseases caused by bacteria and oxidative stress
- Preparation of primary cultures of hepatocytes from different species (pig, chicken, rat): establishing novel in vitro models
- Prevalence of MDR-1 gene defect in Hungarian population of the affected dog breeds
- Prevention of oxidative stress-induced changes of xenobiotic metabolism investigated in a co-culture model of pig intestinal and hepatic cells
- Pylogeogaphy and population genetics of the imperial eagle (Aquila heliaca) in the Carpathian Basin
- Research of bird migration by the statistical analysis of long term bird ringing datasets.
- Experimental investigation of respiratory and systemic effects of subchronic welding fume inhalation in mouse model with special regard to Tungsten Inert Gas (TIG) welding process, ozone emission and the metal fume fever syndrome
- Sexual conflict, sexual selection and mating systems in butterflies.
- Simulation of rotation strategies to improve management of Western Corn Rootworm in Europe
- Soil invertebrates of urban habitats (biodiversity reservation)
- Statistical methods for the analysis of parasitological data
- Statistical properties of diagnostic tests
- Statistical properties of SEIR models
- Superinfection therapy as an adjuvant treatment of hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC); mitigation the risk of HCC in advanced Hepatitis C virus infected p
- Superinfection Therapy of Advanced Hepatitis C Virus Infection (EUROSTARS-HU-07-1-2011-0006)
- Survival probability of Aquila Heliaca by natal territory and gender
- Synergistic combinations against Pseudomonas aeruginosa in the veterinary practice
- Synthesis and reactivity of new nortropines
- Synthesis of indolizidines and quinolizidines
- Synthesis of pyridine derivatives
- Szexual selection and sexual dimorphism
- Target animal safety study of drugs and veterinary products
- The effect of Trichostatin-A and PACAP on the embrional development
- The influence of ecological constraints on butterfly behaviour: microclimate, heat and homesotasis and access to nectar sources.
- Toxicological investigation of heavy metals in the tissue samples of wild birds living at the region of Balaton and its health risk assessment
- Traumatic myiasis
- Urinary endothelin determination in canine renal patients
- Vector-borne Risks for Europe: Risk assessment and control of West Nile and Chikungunya virus (VECTORIE)
- Viral diseaes of honey bee
- Viral resiratory infections of ruminants and horses
- Viruses of honeybees (Apis mellifera L.)
- Vitrification of sheep embryos, study on factors influencing the outcome of vitrification
- Volumetrical MRI studies on the subarachnoideal space