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Maintaining a link between our alumni and UVMB is a key priority

The International Alumni Meeting was held for the first time for the students who graduated from the University of Veterinary Medicine Budapest (UVMB) in 2008.

This meeting is aimed at establishing and enhancing an interactive, highly engaged and vibrant alumni community for former foreign students who have attended or graduated from the UVMB. We would like to maintain a positive impression of the university and the country and be able to provide a platform to connect and reunite with former fellow students and alma mater.

It is a proud and nostalgic moment for us to celebrate our first International Alumni Meeting and we are glad that alumni meet such a grand scale is being organized. Many of our students are holding senior positions and successful private practices all around the world, therefore important to meet and exchange experiences and thoughts, creating a strong alumni association and maintaining a good professional relationship.

“It is a great moment for us to have its old students back on campus. They are settled in different places but on this day, they come here together to celebrate and make this day special,” said Dr Tibor Bartha, the vice rector of international affairs in his opening speech. After the welcome, the little group had a short tour on the campus and discussed the changes that have been made since their last visit. Before the reception, they visited the Department of Pathology and participated in Dr Mira Mándoki’s “Appearance of septicaemic diseases in different species” lecture.

“Thank you for this very special day! It is great to be back again, especially to see all the improvement at the uni.” (Helle Isaksen)

“It is so nice being here again! It feels like coming home, and 2008 feels like yesterday. The time in Budapest was in many ways the best time of my life.” (Anita Reiby)

Our aim is to keep former students in touch with each other by organizing regular networking events. We believe this meeting was just the beginning, as we are preparing other alumni meetings for former students and we are hoping that we can great you soon at the University campus again.