The Head of the Department of Obstetrics and Food Animal Medicine Clinic is Prof. Dr. József Rátky since 2020. There are a total of 30 employees working for the unit. There are 4 professors (one of them – Prof. Solti is an active member of the Hungarian Academy for Sciences), 1 associate and 3 assistant professors, a research fellow, 4 clinical veterinarians, and 5 PhD- students. Their work is helped with 10 veterinary assistants and 1 secretary.
Two obligatory subjects are educated by the members of the Department in Hungarian and in English language for the IVth and Vth year students of the University. One subject is the Reproduction and Biotechnology and the other is Food Animal Medicine. Both are presented during 3 semesters via theoretical lectures, plenary demonstrations and small group practicals. Beside the obligatory subjects there are several optional courses held by the lecturers of the Department (Andrology and assisted reproduction, Clinical applied endocrinology, The effects of predisposing factors during the periparturient period in cattle, Veterinary neonatology and Reproduction and assisted reproductive techniques in non-domestic species). The lecturers are taking part in the Biologist MSc education as well in Hungarian language with one obligatory subject.
The clinical veterinarians are working at two clinics- in Budapest at the campus, in the Small Animal Hospital’s obstetrical division and in Üllő, at the Food Animal Medicine Clinic. In both clinics beside the daily work, the practical education of the veterinary students is taking place.
The University owns a breeding bull farm in Ráckeresztúr where the students have the opportunity for get an insight into an active production stud bull farm with practical trainings, too.
The organization of the Summer polyclinical practice for the IV.year students belongs the Departments’ educational activity as well.
In addition to the education, the members of the Department are dealing with research topics. The scientific activity of the members have been organized in the Andrology and Assisted Reproductive Group. The leader of this group is Prof. Dr. Sándor Cseh. The laboratories at the Department offering services for breeders and farmers and also helping the researchers’ scientific work: the Andrology and Assisted Reproductive Laboratory and the Diagnostic and Endocrine Laboratory. You can see our research topics here.
Recently, the scope of activity of the Mobile Embryo Transfer Station was officially widened to all large domestic animal species: the bovine, equine, porcine, ovine and caprine.