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Education Courses Summer polyclinical practice

Summer polyclinical practice

Method of evaluation
Year in the curriculum
Semester in the curriculum
Practical lessons
Allow for
  • Vet EN

Course description



Cooperation agreement


Practical at the SAM

Practical at the Equine Clinic


Informations regarding the Summer polyclinical practice in 2025:

The Summer polyclinical practice is a mandatory subject for the IV.year students during the summer, after the exam period. Duration is 4 weeks (160 practical lessons). The organizer of this practice is the Obstetrics Department, the controllers of the Report – it must be written by the students about the practical experiences they gained – are the Obstetrics Department and the Internal Medicine Department together. Method of evaluation is signature, what is given by the organizer department.

In 2025 the time of the practice is: 30th of June- 7th of September.

Application: via Neptun

The aim of this practice is to improve the student’s skills concerning the practical, everyday clinical work. It is a great opportunity to develop internal medicine, surgery and obstetrics knowledge and get an insight of the veterinarian clinical working days .

Veterinary facilities where students are allowed to carry out this practice: places where dealing with- at least- one of the following animals: cat, dog, horse, swine, goat, sheep, cattle. This place can be veterinary clinics, hospitals, farms…Facilities where students can work with veterinarians and treat animals.

Students usually spend it at their mother country or at the University’s clinics (Small Animal Clinic- Budapest / Horse Clinic-Üllő) or abroad or maybe at Hungarian vet clinics. If you are interested in spending the practical time (2 weeks or 4 weeks) at the University’s clinics, you can apply to it in April.

The practical time is 4 weeks, but it can be divided in 2+2 weeks, so at least 2 weeks/ place. (It is not allowed to divide the 4 weeks into 1+1+1+1 weeks/places or 1+3 weeks/ places!)

Options how to organise this practice for yourself:

  • 2 weeks small animal clinic & 2 weeks livestock farm or
  • 2 weeks horse clinic & 2 weeks livestock farm or
  • 2 weeks small animal clinic & 2 weeks horse clinic or
  • 4 weeks small animal clinic/livestock farm/ horse clinic (it can be organized like: 4weeks in the same placement or 2 weeks in one and 2 weeks in another placement but the animal species stayes the same)
  • (2 weeks small animal clinic/ livestock farm/ horse clinic & 2 weeks exotic animal clinic*)

*Please don’t forget that this practice is about domestic mammals, but if you are interested deeply in exotic animals, you can spend maximum 2 weeks with them. Acceptable place dealing with exotic animal’s medicine for example the University’s Exotic Animal Clinic, if they have enough capacity- it must be discussed and arranged with the doctors working there in person! Other acceptable places: zoo or veterinary clinics specialized in exotic animals’s medicine.

Dates in University’s clinics:

  • 30th of June- 13th of July
  • 14th of July- 27th of July
  • 28th of July- 10th of August
  • 11th of August- 24th of August
  • 25th of August- 7th of September

We would like to call the students attention to the necessity of the Cooperation agreement.

The University has to conclude an agreement with the practical places. Every student who spends his/her practical time at a clinic/farm outside of the University has to fill in this agreement with the data of the clinics, as well as the data of the students and bring the completed, signed and stamped agreement by the supervisor to the Department of Obstetrics (L building 1st floor). The deadline is the 14th of June. You can find the Cooperation agreement form among the Documents of this course.

Necessary documents by hosting institutions
Certificate Cooperation agreement
University’s clinics (Small Animal/Horse Clinic) no no
Extramural practical places yes yes

Everybody must write a Report about the summer experiences gained during the practical time. You can read the requirements about it among the Documents. Report writing guideline here. The Report must be uploaded to the Neptun system in 15-19. September as an attachment of a request with the completed and signed and stamped (by the supervisor) Certificate/s. More infos about them later.


Dr.Mónika Bacsa- organizer ([Click to see email])




Dear Students,

As you know every student must write a ‘Report‘ about the summer polyclinical practice. There is a technical modification in connection with the handing in process. Instead of sending the Report via email, the new way is to upload it to the Neptun as an attachment to a request. You will find the place for it in the Neptun->Administration->Requests->Summer practice request. This request will be available from the 4th of September to the 15th of September. After the closure of the Neptun, the requests and the Reports will be checked and we will accept it if every information in the Request and in the Report corresponds with each other and Report is written as it is required. You will need to fill in the request with the next data: name and location/s of the summer practice placements, supervisor/s, animal species, dates for example. You can only submit the request if you upload the Report as a pdf file.

Format requirements of the Report:

Cover page:

  • title- Summer Polyclinical Practice Report
  • name and Neptun code of the student:
  • name of the practical placement:
  • Location (address):
  • ‘species’: small animal/horse/ farm animal/ (exotic animal)
  • name of the supervisor:
  • date:
  • duration: 2 weeks (4 weeks if you were at same place with the same ‘species’)

The content of the Report doesn’t change: Please introduce the facility/facilities briefly and write about the experiences, observations and skills you could master during the practical time and you can describe the daily work routine too. You can insert 1-2 photos if you feel like. The length of this part is maximum 4 pages.

The maximal length of the Report is 5 pages with the cover page. Don’t forget to add the scanned version of the signed, stamped Certificate and evaluation form. You can upload it as a PDF file.

You can read more about the Report here and among the Documents.

Have a nice practical time to all of you!

dr.Mónika Bacsa




Dear Students!

Here you can find the lists of the students who have applied for the summer practice at the Clinincs of the University:

Horse Clinic

Small Animal Clinic

There are free places at both Clinincs- if you are interested in, please feel free to write to me until June. [Click to see email]



Dear Students!

Important message: the date of the polyclinical practice has been changed, the new date is:

26th of June – 3rd of September 2023.

Everybody must do the 4 week- long practice in this time period.

We would like to call the students attention to the necessity of the Cooperation agreement.

The University has to conclude an agreement with the practical places. Every student who spends his/her practical time at a clinic/farm outside of the University has to fill in this agreement with the data of the clinics, as well as the data of the students and bring the completed, signed and stamped agreement by the supervisor to the Department of Obstetrics (L building 1st floor). The deadline is the 15th of June. You can find the Cooperation agreement form among the Documents of this course.  The members of the Department will make these agreements signed by the Rector of the University to validate them. Please don’t forget to fill in the last page of the agreement too and to sign it! The agreement will be valid just in case if the supervisor, the student and the Rector sign it as well. If you or the clinic/ farm/ vet needs this document, the secretary can send it via email. Please write an email to Emese Tookos in this case ([Click to see email]).

Thank you.

dr. Mónika Bacsa and dr. Anna Csepreghy


General informations regarding the summer polyclinical practice 2023:

The aim of this practice is to improve the student’s skills concerning the practical, everyday clinical work. It is a great opportunity to develop internal medicine, surgery and obstetrics knowledge and get an insight of the veterinarian clinical working days .

Veterinary facilities where students allowed to carry out this practice: places where dealing with- at least- one of the following animals: cat, dog, horse, swine, goat, sheep, cattle.

When is it and how long is it? The practice is 4 week- long and taking place during the summer holiday, in 2023- 26th of June- 3rd of September.

Where is it? Students usually spend it at their mother country or at the University’s clinics (Small Animal Clinic- Budapest / Horse Clinic-Üllő) or abroad or maybe at Hungarian vet clinics.

What is the students’ task regarding the summer polyclinical practice? Find a facility/veterinary clinic/ farm where they can fulfill the practice and organize it to themself. Important! The practical time can be divided maximum in 2+2 weeks, so at least 2 weeks/ place.

Examples how to organise this practice for yourself:

  • 2 weeks small animal & 2 weeks livestock farm or
  • 2 weeks horse clinic & 2 weeks livestock farm or
  • 2 weeks small animal & 2 weeks horse clinic or
  • 4 weeks small animal/livestock farm/ horse clinic.


Necessary documents by hosting institutions
Certificate Cooperation agreement
University’s clinics (Small Animal/Horse Clinic) no no
Extramural practical places yes yes

Everybody needs to write a Report of the summer experiences and send it via email to the Internal Medicine Department at the beginning of the autumn semester.

You can find, read and download these documents from the Documents of this course.


More informations- later- via email and here.

Kind regards:

Dr.Mónika Bacsa and Dr. Anna Csepreghy- organizers



Evaluation description

To get the signature:

  1. Students have to write a Summer Practice Report: In the summer practice report students introduce the Veterinary Facility where they spent their practical time, and describe the most important and interesting experiences they gained during that time.
  2. Students have to fulfill the Certificate as well to get the signature. This certificate should be presented by the student, signed and stamped by the supervisor and bounded into the Summer Practice Report.
  3. The Report with the Certificate(s) has to be uploaded to the Neptun as an attachment of a request between the 15th of September- 19th of September
  4. The original certificate/s should be submitted to the Obstetrics Clinics Secretariat at the beginning of the semester. Deadline the same as above.

You can find these documents in the files of this course’s Documents.