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Attendance to lectures is obligatory (5/2007 circular letter of the Dean, Student guide 27.§ /I). The Department of Physiology and Biochemistry verifies the attendance to lectures on a random basis.

The absence (for any other educational or medical reason) has to be certified. Students will lose all their points collected during the semester if the number of missing lectures registered exceed three (see requirements system).

Tests and exams will track student performance based on both lecture notes (PowerPoint presentations in PDF format; and the oral material of lectures.

Lecture calendar

You can find the lecture calendar here.


Lecture topics

Autumn semester Spring semester
Introduction Digestion and absorption
Inner environment Energy metabolism
Blood Heat regulations
Immuno-physiology Bone and minerals
Muscle physiology General endocrinology
Heart Endocrinology of reproduction
Circulation Nervous system
Respiration Sense organs
Kidney physiology Acid-base balance


Required literature

  • Lecture notes available in PDF format (
  • Győrffy A., Rónai Zs.: Physiology practical course. Available electronically.
  • Győrffy A., Rónai Zs.: Standard data. Available electronically.

Recommended literature

  • Cunnigham J. G. (2007): Textbook of Veterinary Physiology. hiladelphia: W. B. Saunders
  • Sjaastad O. V., Hove K., Sand O. (2010): Physiology of Domestic Animals. Oslo: Scandinavian Veterinary Press
  • Swenson M. J. (2004): Dukes’ Physiology of Domestic Animals. Ithaca, London: Cornell University Press