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A táblázatban található kötelező tárgyak mellett, a képzés fontos része a szakmai gyakorlat (practical research work a 7-10. félévben, 4 x 60 óra) és a diplomamunka (7-10. félév 7-7-8-8 kredit).

A kötelező tárgyak mellett fakultációs krediteket is teljesíteni kell, az 1-6. félévben 3, a 7-10. félévben 6 kreditet félévenként.

Az egyes tárgyak nevére kattintva elérhető a tantárgy rövid ismertetője.


Subject 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10.
Anatomy 1, 2, 3 X X X
Introduction to Biology X
Biophysics X
Chemistry 1, 2 X X
Zoology as Profession X
Current Issues in Zoology  X
Research Planning X
Informatics X
Biomathematics 1, 2 X X
Zoology X
Comparative Anatomy 1, 2 X X
Histology 1, 2 X X
Molecular Biology of the Cell X
English for Zoology Students X X X X X X
Latin 1, 2 X X
Introduction to Field Studies X
Field Course X
Physiology 1, 2 X X
Behavioural Biology X
Basic Knowledge of Ecology X
Biogeography X
Biochemistry 1, 2 X X
Genetics X
Botany 1, 2 X X
Animal Welfare X
Laboratory Animal Science and Bioethics X
Biomathematics 3 X
Computational statistics X
Systematic Zoology 1, 2 X X
Genetics of Domestic Animals X
Animal Husbandry X
Exotic Pet Husbandry X
Agricultural Economics X
Environmental and Animal Protection Law X
Clinicopathological Diagnostics X
General Pathology X
Toxicology and Ecotoxicology X
Bacteriology X
Immunology X
Environmental microbiology X
Virology X
Parasitology 1, 2 X X
Thesis Work Consultation 1, 2, 3, 4 X X X X
Thesis Progress Report 1, 2, 3, 4 X X X X
Population Genetics X
Evolutionary Biology X
Bioinformatics and Comparative Methods X
Reproductive Biology and Biotechnology 1, 2, 3 X X X
Library Informatics X
Science Communication Skills 1, 2 X X
Preparing Scientific Presentations X
Journal Club 1, 2 X X
Epidemiology 1, 2 X X