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Oktatás Kurzusok Biomatematika Zoológusoknak II.

Biomatematika Zoológusoknak II.

gyakorlati jegy + vizsga (kollokvium)
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Gyakorlat óraszám / félév
Szervezeti egység
Biostatisztika Tanszék
Kik vehetik fel a tárgyat

A kurzus leírása

Előadások tematikája

1.week: Combinatorics. Events and probability.

2.week: Classical and geometric probability. Conditional probability and independence. Law of total probability and Bayes’ theorem. Relative frequency, Bernoulli’s law of large numbers.

3.week:  – Applied probability theory:  Epidemiology 1. (prevalence, diagnostic tests, ROC curves, Risk, odds, RR, OR).

4.week: Random variables.  Discrete and continuous random variables. Distribution of random variables. Expected value and variance, properties. Conditional expected value. Law of total expectation. Location and scale characteristics.

5.week: Distribution function and density function. Notable discrete distributions: discrete uniform, hypergeometric, binomial, Poisson, and negative binomial.  Notable continuous distributions: uniform, normal, exponential. Covariance and correlation.

6.week: Khinchin’s weak law of large numbers. Central limit theorem. Joint distribution of two random variables. Independence. Midterm

7.week:Introduction to statistics, learning from data: data types, scales. Descriptive statistics, data exploration. Missing data, outliers. Data organization issues.

Project: data allocation, data handling.

8.week: Normal distribution, CLT: point estimates, SE, confidence interval of the mean, sample size estimations.

Project: Exploratory analysis of projekt data

9.week: Introduction to hypothesis testing. Binomial test, significance and relevance.

Project: Estimation of population parameters.

10. week: Analysis of qualitative data.

Project: Hypotheses formulation, exploratory analyses concering the hypotheses.

11. week: Types of hypothesis testing, testing of means: t-tests and Analysis of Variance, multiple comparisons

Project: Comparisions of groups (qualitative variables).

12. week: Two-way ANOVA, comparison of measurements, experimental designs

Project: Comparisions of groups (quantitative variables).

13. week: Non-parametric tests. Comparison of diagnostic tests. Practicing for the midterm.

Project: Finish of analyses, preparing resentation

14. week: Midterm

Project presentations