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OTDK 2021 Tagozatok Idegennyelvű agrártudományi tagozat

Idegennyelvű agrártudományi tagozat


Chairman: Dr. Bence Rácz

Members: Dr. Miklós Süth

Dr. István Hullár

Dr. László Abrankó

Secretary: Dr. István Tóth


Author Title Supervisor Institution
Thomas Juhasz Epidemiological investigation of infectious agents associated to wedge-tailed shearwater (Ardenna pacifica) and Barau’s petrel (Pterodroma baraui) populations on Reunion Island

Lebarbenchon Camille,

Dr. Gábor Majoros

University of Veterinary Medicine Budapest
Lewin Natalja Effect of fermented wheat germ extract and grape seed proanthocyanidins on the intestinal epithelial barrier

Dr. Orsolya Farkas,

Dr. Zita Karancsi

University of Veterinary Medicine Budapest
Natalia Pitta-Osses Pattern and impact of wild boar (sus scrofa) rooting in a forested area of Hungary

Krisztián Katona,

Csaba Centeri Ph.D.

Szent István University
Shreya Bhattacharya A study about the feeding analysis of golden jackals (Canis aureus moreoticus Geoffroy, 1835) in Hungary Prof. Miklós Heltai (PhD, D.Sc) Szent István University
Sophia Fischer-Colbrie The prevalence of feline leukemia virus and feline immunodeficiency virus in domestic cats in Hungary Dr. Anna Szilasi University of Veterinary Medicine Budapest