Courses Search 1 A B C D E F G H I L M N O P Q R S T U V W Z A-F G-L M-S T-Z 1 11th semester extramural food hygiene practical A A Holistic and Integrated Approach to Animal Life and Security Agricultural Economics Anatomy I. Anatomy II. Anatomy III. Anatomy of the domestic birds Andrology and assisted reproduction Animal Breeding Animal Breeding Summer Practice Animal Health Economics and Communication Animal Hygiene and Herd Health 1. Animal Hygiene and Herd Health 2. Animal Nutrition I. Animal Nutrition II. Animal Welfare Animal Welfare 1. Animal welfare I. Apiculture and honeybee medicine Application possibilites of data-analyis in the field of food safety Applied Clinicopathological Diagnostics Applied Ethology Aquaculture Hygiene - Intensive Fish Culture Arthropod vectors and vector-borne pathogens of veterinary and public health importance in Europe B Basic Hungarian for International Students 1. Basic Hungarian for International Students 4. Basic Natural Sciences Basics of clinical examination and clinical care Basics of Communication Bioinformatics Biology Biology and health protection of exotic small mammals Biomathematics Biomathematics (Zoology) Biomathematics 1 (Zoology) Biophysics Botany Botany of distilled drinks Botany1 Botany2 Breeding and nutrition of fur bred animals C Carcinogenic and anticarcinogenic plants Chemistry Chemistry_2(before 2018) Circular economy approach in large-scale farms Clinical (applied) endocrinology Clinical Demonstrations Clinical Diagnostics Clinical Hungarian 1. Clinical Hungarian 2 pre-intermediate Clinical Hungarian 2. beginner Clinical oncology Companion Animal Dietetics Comparative Animal Protection Comparative Forensic Veterinary Medicine Computational Statistics D Data analysis practicals Dermatology of dogs and cats Detailed surgery I. Detailed surgery II. Digitalization in veterinary practices E Edible and poisonous mushrooms Edible wild plants in Europe Environmental microbiology Environmental physiology Epidemiology, infectious diseases I. Epidemiology, infectious diseases II. equine clinical practical Equine Clinical Practice (11th semester) Equine dietetics Equine exercise physiology and sports medicine Equine Medicine and Surgery 1 Equine Medicine and Surgery 2 Equine Medicine and Surgery 3 Exotic animal medicine F Feeding exotic reptiles, birds, and small mammals (B) Fejezetek a patobiokémia tárgyköréből Fish diseases Food hygiene I Food hygiene II Food Hygiene of Catering Sector and Mass Caterers Food technology in practice Forensic Animal Genetics Forensic Veterinary Medicine Fundamentals of scientific writing G Gene technology General Pathology Genetics of domestic animals Genetics of domestic animals German for beginners 1 German for beginners 2 H Histology 1. Histology 2. Histopathology History of veterinary medicine Horse Breeding Hot Topic of Human Nutrition Human medical microbiology and infectology Hungarian A1/1 Hungarian A1/2 Hungarian History and Culture Hunting law, ethics and economics I Incubation of poultry eggs Informatics Informatics (VET) Informatics (zoology) Insects as food and feed Internal Medicine 1 Internal Medicine 2 Internal Medicine 3 Introduction to bioinorganic chemistry L Laboratory Animal Science and Bioethics Laboratory Diagnosis of Infectious Diseases Laboratory diagnostic practical (11th semester) Laboratory diagnostics Library informatics Life skills for vets Life Skills for vets Life Skills for vets veterinary Limnology M Meat substitutes and alternative proteins in the food chain Medical aspects of the equine gastrointestinal diseases Medical Latin Medicinal plant knowledge Microbiological food safety Mobile clinic Modern Dog and Cat Breeding Modern Materials in Life Sciences Molecular cell physiology Molecular tumorbiology Mycology N New forms and technics of knowledge transfer - practical approach O OP-techniques - cadarver/bone OP-techniques - cadarver/soft tissue Opthalmology Organic animal production P Paleophysiology Parasitic zoonoses Parasitology 1 Parasitology 2 Pathobiochemistry Pathology 1 - Mammalian pathology topics 1-35. Pathology 2 - Poultry pathology Pathology 3 - Mammalian pathology (36-100. topics) Pharmacotherapy Physical Education Physiological bases of cardiology Physiology of learning Physiology of the nervous system Plant secondary metabolites Poisonous garden and indoor plants Poultry Flock Health Practical meat inspection Precision digital processes in dairy and beef farms Presentation skills development training Production Animal Medicine 1. Production Animal Medicine 2. Production Animal Medicine 3. Proper diet and gastronomy Prudent use of antimicrobial drugs Prudent use of antimicrobial drugs Psychopharmacology: drug therapy of behavioural disorders and other psychological disturbances Q Quantitative Veterinary Epidemiology R Radiobiology for veterinarians Radiology - Anesthesiology - General surgery Reproduction & Biotechnology 1. Reproduction & Biotechnology 2. Reproduction & Biotechnology 3. Reproduction and assisted reproductive techniques in non-domestic species Risk analysis of food safety Risk Communication in Food Chain Safety S Selected Chapters of human anatomy Self-knowledge and personal development training SH Hungarian A1/1 SH Hungarian A1/2 Small Animal Medicine I. Small Animal Medicine II Small Animal Medicine III. Spanish for beginners 2 Sportpharmacology State Veterinary Medicine and Ethics 1. State Veterinary Medicine and Ethics 2. State Veterinary Medicine Practice Stem cells: prospects of animal transplantation Stress management in practice Student essay of physiology Summer polyclinical practice Sustainability aspects in the food chain T The effects of predisposing factors during the periparturient period in cattle The horse in the farrier s view The veterinarian's role in ensuring food safety Topographic & Applied Anatomy Tropical Botany U Ultrasound-diagnostics in dogs and cats V Veterinary and food chemistry Veterinary bacteriology Veterinary biochemistry I Veterinary biochemistry II Veterinary comparative pharmacokinetics and drug metabolism Veterinary English for Students in the German Programme Veterinary Genetics Veterinary Genetics Veterinary Immunology Veterinary management of pet ruminants and swine Veterinary neonatology Veterinary Pathophysiology Veterinary Pharmacology 1 Veterinary Pharmacology 2 Veterinary physiology I. Veterinary physiology II. Veterinary Practice Leadership Training Veterinary Profession Veterinary Toxicology Veterinary virology W Wild animals in human care Z Zoology